Tuesday, May 20, 2008

When all else fails...... Hope.

Sometimes you'll read something that makes you feel void of hope. I'm fortunate in life to have that problem for just a few seconds before I'm reminded of all the beautiful things in this world. Below is an article that all people should be aware of. And after that is the poem i wrought in its response.

The Last Roundup

Is the government compiling a secret list of citizens to detain under martial law?


I’m not a republican, democrat, independent, or libertarian

I’m not an American, Mexican, Native American, or from Spain.

I’m not the close I wear, or the length of my hair

I’m not the beard or my face or this vessel of a body

I’m not a citizen of a city, state, country, continent, hemisphere or planet

I’m not the money in my checking account or the house that I live in

I’m not the car I drive or the shoes I wear

I’m not the programs I watch or the books I read

I’m not the air I breathe or the death that hides behind the corner

I’m not the religion that I practice or the dogma that it forces on to me

I’m not sane or insane or depressed or excited or ADHD or any other disease or aliment the media tries to convince me I am.

I'm not the God damn hate that fills me when I see the true victims of War

I’m not innocent or guilty or the w/ out regret or the without hope

I’m not lost or found or enlightened or blessed

I’m not scared, or bullied, or submissive, or willing to go w/ out a fight

I’m a human being, a being, an entity in on its self. I’m a miracle since conception and I will never end.

I’m here and now and forever

No one or thing or God or religion or government or wrong doing can take that away. We are all living in our eternity and I love it.


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